
From he to she 6

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"Kwazii, I swear it's just me." Barnacles said softly. Kwazii shifted and Barnacles turned. he walked towards the sink cabnets and knelt down. he opened it slowly and his heart broke at the sight. Kwazii was curled up, tear and tear stains going down her face, trying despritly to cover herself, shaking worse then Barnacles had ever seen anyone shake. Kwazii's ears lowered and her tail wrapped around herself and she held tightly to her tail. "Kwazii, are you ok?" Barnacles ask. Kwazii scooted away from him. "alright stay right here. I'll go get you a shirt." Barnacles said. Kwazii nodded but didn't say anything. Barnacles grabed a night gown length shirt and walked back in to her. "here." Barnacles said reaching it out to her. Kwazii reached a shakey hand out and grabed it pulling to her. "come on out. it's ok." Barnacles said softly. Kwazii shook her head.
"no." Kwazii whimpered.
"it's alright Kwazii. come on." Barnacles said. he reached out a hand. he held it open with his palm up. he gave her a small smile. after a few moments Kwazii took it and Barnacles held on to her while she crawled out. they stood up and Barnacles helpped her put her shirt on. Barnacles opened his arms and Kwazii clung to him crying. Barnacles cuddled her. "shhhh. I've got you." Barnacles whispered. "come on, Peso need's to check out the cut on your face." Barnacles said. Kwazii shook her head and pushed back from him. Barnacles stepped forward and Kwazii stepped back. she whimpered. "come on it's just Peso, Kwazii." Barnacles said. Kwazii tried to take another step back but she collapsed. Barnacles quickly caught her. he scooped her up and cradled her. he carried her out gently and the entire crew was there, except Shellington.
"is Kwazii ok?" Dashi ask.
"she just collapsed." Barnacles said. Peso checked her over.
"I don't see any other external wounds." Peso said bandaging her cheek. "you should take her back to your room, she seems comfortable with you." Peso said. Barnacles nodded and carried her to his room. he layd her on his bed and covered her up. he sat down and read his book. Kwazii woke up and jumped up. Barnacles put his book down.
"shhh shhh. your ok. it's ok Kwazii." Barnacles said. Kwazii looked over, her chest heaving. "are you ok?" Barnacles ask. Kwazii looked around.
"h-how did I...?" Kwazi trailed.
"I carried you." Barnacles said.
"oh." Kwazii said.
"are you ok?" Barnacles ask. before Kwazii could answer there was a knock on the door. Kwazii whimpered and curled up into a ball under Barnacles blanket.
"Captain? it's Dashi." Dashi said. Barnacles opened the door. "where's Kwazii.  I thought maybe she'd be more comfortable staying with a woman." Dashi said. Barnacles looked over.
"Kwazii, would you rather stay with your sister?" Barnacles ask.
"Kwazii?" Dashi ask.
"n-no!" Kwazii whimpered. Dashi nodded.
"if you change your mind, you know where I'm at." Dashi said and she left. Kwazii stayed curled up under the blanket.
"Kwazii I'm going to sit on the bed, don't be alarmed." Barnacles said softly. Kwazii nodded beneath the blanket. Barnacles sat down with her. "come on out Kwazii. it's ok." Barnacles said softly. Kwazii peaked out and crawled out. "I have a question for you." Barnacles said. Kwazii looked at him.
"y-yeah Cap?" Kwazii ask softly.
"why do you trust me so much?" Barnacles ask. Kwazii shrugged.
"I-I jus' do." Kwazii said. "ye-ye've been there for me for years." Kwazii added.
"well your my bestfriend." Barnacles said. he hugged her gently and was surprized when Kwazii actually cuddled closer. Kwazii mumbled something. "what? I didn't catch that." Barnacles said.
"n-nothin' Cap." Kwazii said.
"no it's ok you can tell me." Barnacles said. Kwazii shook her head.
"I-I shouldn' have said anythin'." Kwazii said curling up.
"it's ok Kwazii." Barnacles smiled. he could see she seemed to be arguing internally. she seemed to decide to take a chance though, she looked up nervously at him. she leand up and pressed a kiss to his lips. Barancles instantly wrapped his arms around her and Kwazii pulled back. she looked horrified.
"I-I'm sorry Cap. I-I didn' mean to..." Kwazii whimpered.
"Kwazii whats wrong?" Barnacles ask. Kwazii looked at him.
"y-yer not... but I... an yer..." Kwazii struggled. her ears were against her head. Barnacles hugged her and ran a hand down her back soothingly.
"shhhhhh. calm down Kwazii." Barnacles said softly. he leaned forward and kissed her softly. Kwazii looked at him confused. "I've wanted to do that since the day we met." Barnacles said. Kwazii looked at him.
"ye-yer gay?" Kwazii ask.
"technically, your a girl now so it's not concidered gay." Barnacles smirked. Kwazii seemed to think about it a moment. she leaned forward and kissed Barnacles again and Barnacles kissed her back softly.  Kwazii nuzzled against his chest and Barnacles held her.
"s-so what did ye actually do to 'im?" Kwazii ask. Barnacles knew who he meant.
"what do you mean?" Barnacles ask, deciding to play dumb.
"don' be dumb, I knew ye saw what happened." Kwazii said playing lightly with his shirt.
"I broke all his fingers and both of his hands. I also broke both his wrists and one of his arms." Barnacles said. "I was going to break his other one, but I figured Peso had enough work already, beside's I had to make sure you were ok." Barnacles replied. he felt Kwazii curl up.
"we-well m'not ok." Kwazii whimpered.
"don't worry, Kwazii. as long as your with me, nothing can hurt you." Barnacles said. there was another knock and Kwazii dove back under the blanket. Barnacles shook his head. "who is it?" Barnacles ask.
"Peso." Peso exclaimed. Barnacles got up.
"stay here." Barnacles said. he opened the door.
"you know you didn't have to make such a mess. you could have atleast taken Shellington to the med bay so I didn't have to hunt him down." Peso said angry. Barnacles put a finger to his lips.
"shhh. don't talk so loud." Barnacles said. "loud noises are bother her." Barnacles said softly.
"sorry, but you really didn't have to do that." Peso said. Barnacles raised an eye brow.
"yes I did. he hurt her." Barnacles said. "he deserved everything I did and more, but since we actually need him on this team, killing him is not an option." Barnacles added. Peso sighed.
"is she awake?" Peso ask. Barnacles nodded. "I need to check her over and make sure he didn't mess up her leg." Peso said. Barnacles nodded.
"Kwazii-" Barnacles started.
"noooo." Kwazii whined. Barnacles grumbled.
"come o-" Barnacles tried again.
"no!" Kwazii shouted. it was quiet for a moment and Barnacle sighed.
"get out from under my bed please." Barnacles said. a muffled 'no'.
"how'd you know Kwazii was under your bed?" Peso ask.
"my ears are more sensitive then yours." Barnacles replied, his Polar Bear ears wiggling. "don't make me come over the and get you out." Barnacles teased.
"no." Kwazii mumbled. Barnacles walked over to the bed and looked under it.
"where the hell did you go?" Barnacles ask with a laugh. Peso sighed tired of this game.
"Kwazii get out here. I need you to let me see your leg." Peso said. Kwazii held up her leg, from beside Barnacles bed.
"there ye've seen it." Kwazii mumbled. she put her leg down and curled up.
"Kwazii this is serious. he could have hu-" Peso started.
"don' fuckin' say he could have hurt me! he fuckin' did!" Kwazii shouted. Barnacles narrowed his eyes at Peso.
"it's time for you to go." Barnacles said. Peso opened his mouth, but Barnacles stopped him. "go now." Barnacles ordered. Peso nodded and left. Barnacles closed his door and turned around, Kwazii was back under the blankets. he could hear her crying softly again. he sat down and took her into his arms and held her tight. "he didn't mean that Kwazii." Barnacles said softly. Kwazii didn't answer and Barnacles looked under the blanket at her. she was just laying with him, her face pressed against his stomach and her arms wrapped around him tighter then Barnacles ever thought possible. Barnacles took it as a good sign that she wasn't rejecting any and all contact, but he was worried that she wasn't speaking. she waas curled against him. "it's late we should get some sleep." Barnacles said. Kwazii nodded and Barnacles stood up. he walked over and locked his door.
"why'd ye do that?" Kwazii ask softly.
"because I'm taking precautions. I know I broke his hands and fingers but I'm just being paranoid." Barnacles replied laying back down with her. he wrapped his arms around her tightly. Kwazii whimpered. "whats wrong?" Barnacles ask.
"P-Peso was right. me leg i-is killin' me." Kwazii whimpered grabing her leg.
"do I need to go get him?" Barnacles ask. Kwazii whimpered nodding. Barnacles opened the door and scooped her up quickly. Barnacles ran to the med bay. Shellington was in there getting patched up. "Peso!" Barnacles shouted. Shellington looked over at them. Kwazii cried out in pain. Peso ran over.
"lay her down." Peso said. Barnacles laid her down gently and she cried out louder.
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